Wednesday, February 17, 2010

London Calling



RING RING (Jzuz Matt pick up the damn phone!!)

Matt: Hello?

London: Sup Matt how ya doin?

Matt: Oh hey Donnie not bad and you?

London: Good, great actually. Listen, about what happend over this weekend, I just wanted to say, that it was amazing having you over and spending time with you just changed me. Sat night was magical.... I WANT YOU MATTHEW I WANT YOU BAD!!!!!


London: then come here! come to me Matthew!! I'll make you happy, I might have my problems..

Matt: oh like you're cold like the whole year?

London: yeah I'm working on that but I'll be good to you I swear.

Matt: YES YES!! but I cant now, I need to sort myself out first, will you wait for me?

London: I will wait for you forever Matthew. Take all the time you need to cross my bridge..

Matt: Oh London I Lo******************

(Your airtime has run out please charge again or hang up)

London: Crap!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Symphony of Science - 'The Unbroken Thread' (ft. Attenborough, Goodall, Sagan)

Hey the more we know about us the better we can understand us..right? What better way to do it than through music, now all you need is killer interpretive dance moves..

"The Symphony of Science is a musical project headed by John Boswell designed to deliver scientific knowledge and philosophy in musical form."

more info and downloads

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Buggered Off!

Greetings from the Land of Eng, yes yes I have become a walking cliché, and have travelled beyond the big blue wet thing and into the wild wild country so Great they added Great into their name: Great Britain . Some might call that egotistical others would tell them to “bugga off”. But whatever your opinion of the country you can’t ignore a couple of things:

• So close to neighbouring countries its cheap as hell to catch a train plane or superman to Germany/Amsterdam. .. etc
• The fashion…nuff said

So who cares about the snow and rain and –dick freezing weather when you have a fantastic coat to prance around in.But enough of the travel agency crap talk, now begins the hard part of job scouring, friend stalking and living…. Which kind of makes
me wonder why I did come here in the first place (refer to point system ubove).

Anyhew you’ll have to excuse me while I go and see if I can book a Maccabees show…toodles.