Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Delayed Easter Update: Kavorting in KaKnysna KaNice

Hey ya, hoop ya’ll had a great Easter weekend, I know I did. I had the extreme opportunity to go on a roadtrip all the way to Knysna. Much fun was had, the places we went to, the people who skeefed us out, fun fun fun!! Even met up with a Amy and Delon and debauched the bar known as Zanzibar

But alas some things aren’t meant to last and we were on our way home. Now as you all probably heard of the Truck strikes on the N1, so we took the back way out, what we didn’t plan on was stumbling upon the set of The Hills Have Eyes. Some how we had found ourselves on a gravel road meandering through mountains and cattle gates. Passing comments like: Is that the decrepit building to which they store the bodies? Laughing at the fact that it would be ten times more scarier at night…flash forward 2 hours later and we were still, passing comments like: Is that the decrepit building to which they store the bodies? Not laughing at the fact that it IS ten times more scarier at night with the added plot points such as dead cell batteries and no reception.

I swear guys, Nats and me were literally going through the motions of insanity, I mean we could’ve turned a corner and stumble upon a Patricia Lewis Album Launch! Yes (Parents tuck the kids in bed) it’s that horrifying. At one point there was a bush in the middle of the road, which could’ve been a a cannibal redneck couching over a dead body, would have the reaction of: What the fuck is that????!!! WHAT THE F&*%!!????!?!? WHAT THE F@£$….A BUSH!!!!?!! WHAT THE F$%@??!!!!!! OH GOD A BUSH!!!!!

So it took three hours with a lot of Kylie Minogue and I Spy with my little eye but we made it, and lived to sell the movie rights.

Monday, April 6, 2009

What a country, what an island

There was a lot of stuff happening this weekend in the good ol’ Cape, The North Sea Jazz Festival – Moss Def !!!! and the flooding of celebrities to the opening of the new posh hotel The One and Only. “Wonderfully" located in the bowl of the Waterfront with “breathtaking” views of the Aquarium, um….yeah fuck the Burj Al Arab, I want spectacular views of those iconic billboards about those frog exhibitions, maybe they could do a joint billboard that goes..

“ you must be hopping mad to stay there…….and not come to the frog exhibition”

Of course I never went to any of those…urg, but I think the next thing is the Coke Fest, druggies don’t get your lollies in a pop, it’s the yearly fest of musicians that head over from the outside universe to visit our humble shores, in hopes of enlightening us to good real music, giving us a break from those Idols that should go Pop! Oasis, Snow Patrol, Panic at the disco…nice!!!! Just for interest sake here is my dreamlist for a coke fest:

Kings of Leon
Bloc Party
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
with dj groups Cut Copy and Digitalism for pomping beats

now that would be worthy of awesomeness