So apparently its summer over here, coulda fooled me, unless it was that two week gap of sun we had, than I should have taken more advantage of it. As I type this there is a light drizzle happening behind me...no not that kind of drizzling you dirty people, the kind - hold up. these fucking "tenants" in the house I'm living in at the moment not only have the uncanny ability of producing foal stench cooking 24 hours a day but they have the additional mutated ability of SLAMMING THE GODAMN DOORS SO HARD it vibrates throughout the entire house, THANK GOD I am moving out on Saturday.
Where the hell was I? Gee now I totally lost my dirty joke shtick... let me start again.
So apparently its summer over here, coulda fooled me, unless it was that two week gap of sun we had, than I should have taken more advantage of it. As I type this there is a light drizzle happening behind me...no not that kind of drizzling you dirty people, the kind that pitter patters against the window, while you're gazing outward with Mariah's "I can't live if living is without you" playing in the background. Yes depression of note and not a drip of alcohol in site, unless you count hand gel but I'm no where near that desperate(give me an hour).
So when the sun does decide to show its solar flared ass, when the summer romances start to bloom and inspiration takes flight into the blue hue sky, I have a couple of nice lifetrack goodness tunes to get you into the groove. All the saffa folks located in the South I'm sure you can turn on a light and pretend, its probably what we are going to do here anyway.. enjoy
Poka vs Aretha Franklin - A Deeper Love (Cross the Line Remix) by poka
THe Middle East - Blood (Kill Them With Colour Remix) by Kill Them With Colour
Michael Jackson Telepopmusik - Remember The Time (SLEEPER HEARTBROKEN REMIX) by SLEEPER
(Sidebar: I did not post thes awesome tunage up so if you wnat to know more about the artists just click "Info" and follow link.... Have fun!!!!
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