If your area code does not have the word rock in somewhere, then you would know about the sequel to the Iron Man movie thats coming out on 7 May (a day before my birthday). If for not just the reason of the introduction of War Machine, Mickey Rourke as Whiplash, Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury, Gwyneth Paltrow or another cameo of Stan Lee, is Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow. For some reason I'm attracted to this girl and not just the pout she spews, I dont know what it is, plus I dig her music too. Here is a pic of her ala Black Widow with another well known and extremely hot right now person in the hood. check out the trailer:
This day consisted of wasted design time, endless clicking of "apply" and Facebook. I take it I'm up for major life balance points in the coming months. What got me through tho, as always, is the music. Discovered this nice audio outfit called The Tins which in turn led me to this mixtape from FridayMixtape.com. Some kind of wierd digital-no sex involved-six degrees of Kevin Bacon happened to get to it, I suppose its relevent as the mix is an orgy of musical styles. Yay! Thanx Friday Mixtape!
Just dropped my jaw at this Marvel X-men cap from this website called Amazingstore.jp, total drool alert...
they have more Marvel there as well as Star Wars, Tokidoki, Kidrobot even Peanuts. This is a link to the Caps site http://www.amazingstore.jp/item/brand/ its in Japanese or chinese so be just click around and you'll find stuff..
This is a spread that I did for a friends t-shirt label, was really fun putting it together. I used to do it at BBDO, would work with photographers, make up artists, stylists, scout for locations....It was kak stressful but man it was fun. Anyway back to the Doe shoot enjoy...
Credits: Art Direction: Matthew Neophytou Photography: Yang Zhao & Marie-Stella Von Saldern Models: Amy Nelson & Carine Nguz Styling: Everyone http://whatupdoess.blogspot.com/
Its Friday Yay!! although everyday is the same for the job seeking inclined but for all those who say YAY not Nay! I want to show you two things that have been getting my creative brain pumped.
first is an upcoming Marvel Comic "Breaking Into Comics The MarvelWay", that highlights several comic artists around the globe, under the pen that is C.B. Cebulski, detailing also the journey of how these artists came to be in this two issue series. The thing that really wet my pallet was the cover by Lost Fish.
the second piece of yummy today is the latest music video from Foals, if you haven't heard them SHAME ON YOU!! this video for their single Spanish Sahara oozes of saturated contrasts and really makes Yannik look mighty fine... the song is truly amazing
This is an oldie but still a great! fusing two of my faves together its just awesome and you can sing a long which we love, while we drive or surf the web.. don't lie to yourselves
I'm not one for mushy movies and all......oh who am I kidding?? I am!!! Bring on a Notebook or City Of Angels and you'll have yourself another man made damn or Victoria falls (I swear no intention to gayify those metaphors was made, it just happened). Speaking of Gay, add that into the mix and its Apocalyptic mass weather shifts, okay okay, its not as dramatic as my lame attempts at figurative writing.
Shelter is a good movie about a guy(Zack) he surfs, tags buildings, arty, drinks and finds out he's gay, conveniently in this movie. What is nice about it is there are no gender benders or predictable shit you've come to expect in a "gay interest"(with exception of Brokeback).The title character could be anyone of us actually, as his coming out party, is just one of the issues he has to face. Give it a try and you might enjoy, the ends a bit soppy happy but hey we need that every once in awhile, right?
I discovered this competition on the web by the amazing advertising people over at Benetton. They are looking for average people to be shmodels, so I decided to put up my own profile, but alas..like everything thing in my life...I might be too late (sidebar: actually its never late, it's too early. An that's too much info) anyway I have like two weeks to get like 3000000000000 votes.. urg so wish me luck. But FYI..this hot guy left me a comment yum!! and as my friend Amy said...if I dint get it, at least I'll have my ego massaged... VOTE FOR ME IF YOU CAN!!! http://casting.benetton.com/users/616234-mtti
I recently responded to a competition for a music blog I follow, the brief was to create a header logo...and go-suck-cock-I'm-serious, I WON!!! check it out here!!! http://www.discodemons.net/
"every small victory, adds to the final battle" my own quote, copywrite that bitch's